ファン主幹のフロイド専門レーベル「ハーヴェステッド」が、発表した合計7時間に及ぶ、現在、考え得る、最強のレア映像集「VIDEO ANTHOLOGY」のVolume 1〜5を5枚組DVDにセット。1960年代のレア映像から「ファイナルカット」のプロモ映像まで、その全てを時系列に収録。冒頭、1966年夏にシ ド・バレットの映像学校の友人ナイジェル・ゴードンが撮影したというプライベート・フィルムの映像に唖然しますが、これまでの定番映像もその全てが選び抜 かれた過去最高のクオリティで収録されており、ディープなマニアを唖然とさせること間違いなしの映像がオンパレードしています。あらゆるポイントから見 て、フロイドの映像集としては、これ以上のものは考えられない内容であり、全てのファン絶対必携の、コレクターにとってはバイブルのようなタイトルになる こと間違いありません。これまで色々な形で収録され、部分的な同内容の映像タイトルは星の数ほど存在しますが、品質・内容において、この映像集を上回るも のは絶対に存在しませんし、今後も現れることは無いでしょう。この圧巻の内容の前にはくどくどとした説明は不要です。60年代のテレビ出演映像やリハーサ ル、そしてフェスティバル出演時の演奏等は勿論、70年代に入ってからの定番である「ピンク・フロイド・バレエ」「箱根アフロディーテ」、そして近年出現 した「1975年ネブワース」も含め、かつて、これ程美しい映像は観たことがありません。ディープなマニアは勿論のこと、ビギナーにとっても、最良のフロ イドコレクションの指針となるであろう大変優れた逸品です。ファンはぜひともご入手下さいますように強くお薦め致します。ギフトタイルですが、裏ジャケ付 きの、通常タイトルと変わらぬ造りになっています。収録時間415分。まさにコレクター史の残る、究極の逸品!!
Ultimate collection of Pink Floyd films 1966-1983 DEFINITIVE VERSION
Volume 1 (1966-1967)
1. Home Movies, Gog Magog Hills, London Summer 1966
2. London 66 - 67, Sound Techniques Studios, UFO Club & Unknown Venue, London 11th January 1967 / 30th December 1966 & Early 1967
3. Scene Special, UFO Club, London 27th January 1967
4. Dope, Unknown Venue, London Early 1967
5. Die Jungen Nachtwandler, UFO Club, London 24th February 1967
6. Arnold Layne, Promo Film Late February - Early March 1967
7. Home Movies, Abbey Road Studios, London April 1967
8. Bouton Rouge, Arnold Layne, Promo Film 29th April 1967
9. Look of The Week, BBC Lime Grove Studios, Shepherd's Bush, London 14th May 1967
10. British Pathe News, Suffolk, England 8th July 1967
11. American Bandstand, ABC Studios, Burbank, California 7th November 1967
12. Tomorrow's World, Stanhope Gardens, Hampstead, London 12th December 1967
13. Central Office of Information, Jugband Blues, Promo Film December 1967
Bonus Clips
14. Intersteller Overdrive, San Francisco, Film 1968
15. Outtakes from The Scarecrow film, British Pathe News , Suffolk, England 8th July 1967
Volume 2 (1968)
1. Promo Films with David Gilmour, Parc de Laeken and RTB TV Studios, Brussels, Belgium 18th-19th February 1968
2. Bouton Rouge, ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont, Paris 20th February 1968
3. Discorama, ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont, Paris 21st February 1968
4. The Sound of Change, BBC Lime Grove Studios, Shepherd's Bush, London 26th March 1968
5. All My Loving, Abbey Mills Pumping Station, East Stratford, London 28th March 1968
6. Rome Goes Pop, Piper Club, Rome 18th or 19th April 1968
7. 1st European International Pop Festival, Palazzo Dello Sport, Rome 6th May 1968
8. Kastival 1968, Kastival '68 Festival, Kasterlee, Belgium 31st August 1968
9. Samedi et Compagnie, ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont, Paris 6th September 1968
10. Surprise Partie, Le Bilboquet, St. Germain des Pres, Paris 7th September 1968
11. Tous en Scene, L'Antenne du Chapiteau du Kremlin-Bicetre, Paris 31st October 1968
12. Point Me at the Sky, Promo Film November 1968
Bonus Clip
13. Let There Be More Light, Promo Film September 1968
Volume 3 (1969)
1. Forum Musiques, ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont, Paris 22nd January 1969
2. Royal Festival Hall, London 14th April 1969
3. SDR TV Villa Berg Studios, Stuttgart, West Germany 22nd July 1969
4. Essen International Pop & Blues Festival '69, Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany 11th October 1969
5. Actuel Festival, Mont de l'Enclus, Amougies, Belgium 25th October 1969
Volume 4 (The 1970's)
1. Holland Pop Festival '70, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 28th June 1970
2. ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont, Paris 4th & 5th December 1970
3. Aspekte, Musikhalle, Hamburg, West Germany 25th February 1971 & Stadthalle, Offenbach, West Germany 26th February 1971
4. Abbaye de Royaumont, Royaumont, France 15th June 1971
5. Hakone Aphrodite '71, Hakone, Japan 7th August 1971
6. Randwick Racecourse, Sydney, Australia 15th August 1971
7. The Dome, Brighton, England 28th & 29th June 1972
8. Various Ballet Footage 1972 & 1973
9. Knebworth Festival, Knebworth Park, Hertfordshire 5th July 1975
Bonus Clip
10. Parc des Expositions Les Arenes, Poitiers, France 29th November 1972
Volume 5 (A Collection Of Great Dance Videos)
1. Crystal Voyager 1972(Crystal Voyager is a 1973 surf film directed by David Elfick and was filmed, written and narrated by surfer, photographer and filmmaker George Greenough in 1972. The song Echoes is featured during the final sequence comprised of footage shot by Greenough from his surfboard. )2. French Windows 1972(Ian Emes' first animated film, inspired by One Of These Days. The film went on to win awards across the world and lead to an invitation to work with Pink Floyd.)
3. Dark Side Of The Moon Concert Films 1974 - 1975(Concert backdrop films of Time, Money, Us & Them, Brain Damage, and Eclipse.)Originally projected during performances of Dark Side Of The Moon from 1974-1975.
4. Welcome To The Machine 1976(Animated film. Originally projected during the Animals tour in 1977)
5. Pig Launch Film, Battersea Power Station, London 3rd December 1976(Footage of the inflatable pig being launched above Battersea Power Station)
6. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) 1980 Promotional video
7. When The Tigers Broke Free 1982 Promotional video
8. The Final Cut Video EP 1983 Promotional videos of The Gunner's Dream, The Final Cut, Not Now John, and The Fletcher Memorial Home were released as an extended play video on VHS in the U.K
商品名 |
Pink Floyd ピンク・フロイド/Ultimate Collection 1966-1983 Definitive Ver |
販売価格 |
2,780円 |
ランク |
☆☆☆ |
在庫数 |